ARPAS Foundation Report Daryl Kleinschmit, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS December 19, 2022 The ARPAS Foundation balance at the end of the first quarter was $279,012.29 but unfortunately the account lost $14,624.84 in the first quarter due to the market...
ARPAS Foundation Report Daryl Kleinschmit, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS May 11, 2022 The ARPAS Foundation is in a great financial state this year. No new amendments have been passed over the past year (since January 2021). In December 2021, funds...
ARPAS Foundation Report N. Andy Cole, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS August 26, 2021 The financial status of the ARPAS Foundation is excellent. This is due, in large part, to the annual donations from our outgoing executive vice president, Kenneth...
ARPAS Foundation Report N. Andy Cole, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS March 2, 2021 The ARPAS Foundation is in good financial status with a balance of $271,248.91 as of December 31, 2020. Outlays this past year were less than in previous years...
ARPAS Foundation Report N. Andy Cole, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS Nutrition July 12, 2020 The ARPAS Foundation is in excellent financial condition with a balance of $209,601.05 as of March 31, 2020. This is in large part to the generosity of the ARPAS...
ARPAS Foundation Report N. Andy Cole, PhD, PAS, Diplomate ACAN February 26, 2020 The ARPAS Foundation is in excellent financial condition with a balance of $214,792.98 as of October 30, 2019. This is in large part to the generosity of the ARPAS...
ARPAS Foundation Report John K. Bernard, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN September 11, 2019 The ARPAS Foundation Board held their annual meeting on June 24 in Cincinnati, Ohio, in conjunction with the ADSA annual meeting. The Foundation is in a good...
ARPAS Foundation Report – April 2019 Jeffrey M. DeFrain, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN, Chairperson April 29, 2019 The ARPAS Foundation’s assets remain in great standings, hovering at the $200,000 mark. The overall goal of the foundation is to grow assets while making 4 to...
Foundation Report Jack Garrett April 1, 2018 The ARPAS Foundation’s assets now exceed $200,000. The ARPAS Foundation was established to recognize and fund worthy educational efforts of ARPAS and its...
Foundation Report Bill Sanchez, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN; Chair August 1, 2016 1. The purpose of the ARPAS Foundation is to provide educational programming for current members of ARPAS and to enhance the certification process for prospective...