ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Immediate Past President’s Report

N. Andy Cole, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

Members of the ARPAS Executive Committee have recently completed a busy, but hopefully very successful, fiscal year.

The Governing Council met on July 8 at the Austin Hilton and had a very successful meeting. Among the items we discussed or approved are the following:

  1. Four amendments to the bylaws were approved to go to the membership for their vote. These amendments included
    1. modifications to accommodate the new journal name,
    2. changes to revise the examination committee responsibilities,
    3. method for chapters to report their officers to ARPAS headquarters, and
    4. changes to accommodate the new graduate student representative on the Governing Council.
  2. We approved a new Value Proposition (see later in newsletter) for ARPAS. Hopefully this will come in handy to develop your “20-second” elevator speech when someone asks you “What is the importance of ARPAS?” Thanks to the committee members (Mike Looper, Wayne Greene, Ben Holland, Moe Bakke, and Randy Walker) for all their help.
  3. We developed an ad hoc social media and marketing committee composed of our new graduate student representative Miriam Snider from the University of Vermont, the California Chapter representative Jed Asmus, and the AAS EIC Dave Beede as well as our Executive VP Kenneth Cummings and the ARPAS representative at FASS—Brittany Morstatter. Snider will also serve as the social media editor for Applied Animal Science to increase our presence on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.

The tentative minutes of the Governing Council and Business Meetings will be posted on the ARPAS website soon. You can go there to gain more information.

A few items I think every member needs to be aware of and work on are as follows:

  1. Our membership has declined about 8% over the past few years. We need to work hard to attract new graduate students and those already in the work force to take the ARPAS exam and become new members. Remember, any member of ARPAS can proctor the exam, which can be taken online. Just contact Brittany Morstatter at FASS to obtain the exams. The ARPAS Foundation will cover the cost of the exam for graduate students.
  2. If you know someone who has let their membership lapse, urge them to renew. It is easy to do—just fill out a request for renewal on the ARPAS website and pay your dues.
  3. Do not forget to renew your own membership by paying your dues and updating your continuing education units (CEUs) online.
  4. Become an ARPAS champion within your company, and work to have your company become an ARPAS sponsor. Again, it is easy to do; just go to the ARPAS website or contact the chair of the Professional Relations Committee, Daniel Rivera, at Mississippi State University.
  5. Paul Beck has served as one of our representatives to PAACO for a number of years and will be stepping down later this year. We are looking for an ARPAS member to replace Beck. If you are interested in being one of the ARPAS representatives to PAACO (along with John Richeson), please contact President Al Kertz or Executive VP Kenneth Cummings.
  6. Our western director and chair of the Membership Committee, Heidi Rossow, is working with several graduate students to develop videos on “What is ARPAS” and “How to take the ARPAS exam” and an interview video to promote to graduate students. She also noted that ARPAS is now on LinkedIn, so “friend” us on your LinkedIn page.
  7. As chair of the Nominating Committee, I will be looking for candidates for the following positions in a few months—president-elect, secretary, and western director. Please email me know if you are interested in running for an office.

Congratulations to the following ARPAS members for the recognitions they received from their scientific societies this past year:

American Society of Animal Science

  • Dr. Jerry Spears of North Carolina State University (retired) received the FASS-AFIA New Frontiers in Animal Nutrition Award.
  • Dr. Beth Kegley of the University of Arkansas became president of ASAS.
  • Dr. Glenn Duff of New Mexico State University was elected president-elect of ASAS.
  • Dr. Andy Cole of USDA-ARS-Bushland, Texas (retired) received the Distinguished Service Award from the Western Section of ASAS.
  • Dr. Mike Looper of the University of Arkansas was named a Fellow of ASAS.
  • Dr. Jack Whittier of the University of Nebraska was named a Fellow of ASAS.
  • Dr. K. C. Olson of Kansas State University received the Animal Management Award.
  • Dr. Merlin Lindemann of the University of Kentucky received the Animal Industry Innovation Award.
  • Dr. Hans Stein of the University of Illinois received the Extension Award.
  • Dr. Terry Engle of Colorado State University received the Cromwell Award for Minerals Research.
  • Dr. Robert Coleman of the University of Kentucky received the Distinguished Teacher Award.
  • Dr. Elizabeth “Betsy” Greene of University of Arizona received the Western Section Extension Award.

American Dairy Science Association

  • Dr. Rich Erdman of the University of Maryland was elected vice president of ADSA.
  • Dr. Al Kertz was named a Fellow of ADSA.
  • Dr. A. J. Heinrichs of Penn State University was named a Fellow of ADSA.

American Meat Science Association

  • Dr. Surendranath Suman of the University of Kentucky was recognized as the 2019 AMSA International Lectureship Award Winner.

Equine Science Society

  • Dr. Jessica L. Leatherwood of Texas A&M University received the 2019 Josie Coverdale Award for Outstanding Young Professionals.
  • Dr. Shannon E. Pratt-Phillips of North Carolina State University received the 2019 Equine Science Society and American Society of Animal Science—Equine Science Award.
  • Dr. Brian Nielsen of Michigan State University was named a Fellow of ESS.
  • Dr. Kathleen Anderson of University of Nebraska was named a Fellow of ESS.
  • Dr. Elizabeth “Betsy” Greene of University of Arizona was named a Fellow of ESS.

Poultry Science Association

  • Dr. Donald R. McIntyre of Diamond V (retired) became president of PSA.

Also, congratulations to

Congratulations to all the award winners! Please let us know if we missed any ARPAS members who won awards this year.

Finally, again, thank you for the opportunity to serve as ARPAS president this past year. It has been a pleasure and an honor to work with the other officers and representatives and with the fine people at FASS. I cannot pass up an opportunity to again thank our executive VP, Kenneth Cummings; our representatives at FASS, Brittany Morstatter, Susan Pollock, and Jeremy Holzner; and the many other great people who make it possible for us to operate.

Have a great and productive year.

Andy Cole, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN
ARPAS Immediate Past President 2019–2020

ARPAS Value Proposition
Approved by the Governing Council on July 8, 2019


The American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS)—The recognized source of certified Professional Animal Science experts.


Currently, no certification requirements for animal scientists are mandated by the state or federal government. It is difficult for clients, employers, and those requiring expertise to evaluate the qualifications of individuals professing to be animal science specialists.

ARPAS, a non-profit certification organization, was founded by the professional societies of animal, dairy, and poultry science over 30 years ago to certify that professional animal scientists are experts in their respective disciplines, up to date with the latest research and technologies, and adhere to a recognized and trusted code of ethics.

ARPAS is an organization of animal scientists from academia, industry, and government. Its members include those within many disciplines of the animal sciences including management and production; nutrition; feeds and forages; physiology and reproduction; food science (meats and dairy foods) and food safety; genetics; health; welfare and behavior; and sustainability and integrated systems. ARPAS members provide expertise in industry services and products consulting; research; extension education; teaching; and technical support.

Being Certified as a Professional Animal Scientist Means

  1. ARPAS members are certified based on a combination of examination, training, and experience.
  2. ARPAS members maintain and grow their knowledge through required continuing education and networking.
  3. ARPAS members are committed to following a professional code of ethics that assures they will be faithful and trusted agents for each client or employer.


Photos of animal scientists working with producers (e.g., at a feedlot or dairy) including a collage of over two-dozen photos owned by ARPAS of real animal scientists and workers realistically interacting within a variety of livestock species and systems.
