ARPAS: Promoting professional competency and a culture of integrity

Liver Abscess Special Issue

Applied Animal Science, the official Gold Open Access journal of ARPAS, has released a Special Issue dedicated to liver abscesses in cattle.

Read the Issue

ARPAS Exams!

ARPAS Online Exams!
ARPAS is moving to a new exam system
ARPAS will soon be offering online exams that can be accessed 24/7. Take the exam from anywhere, anytime. Apply today to set up your exam. (expected Summer 2024).

*The ARPAS Foundation pays exam fees for graduate students taking the ARPAS exam for the first time.

Summer Exam Sessions!
Exam sessions will be offered on-site at the ADSA and ASAS summer Annual Meetings!

Applied Animal Science


Applied Animal Science is open access! Read the latest issue now.

Journal Impact Factor (2022) = 1.5*
*Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. 

Elsevier’s CiteScore (2022) = 2.6*
*CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four yeas (e.g., 2018-2021) to peer-reviewed documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters) published in the same four calendar years, divided by the number of these documents in this same four years (2018-2021).


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Upcoming CEU Events

Vita Plus Summer Nutrition Conference 2024
July 29–31, 2024 • Middleton, WI
Sponsored by Vita Plus
8 possible CEUs
EOARC Ranching Academy
April 19 – November 8, 2024 • Online
Sponsored by Oregon State University
16 possible CEUs
View All Report CEUs

ARPAS Newsletter

Thursday, May 25, 2023

ARPAS Announcements

REMINDER! Nominate a Highly Qualified Individual for ARPAS membership!

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 2023 Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award

ARPAS at 2023 ASAS

Reminder: ARPAS Offering ONLINE EXAMS

Reminder: AAS Journal Access Activation Process

Follow ARPAS on Social Media!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

President’s Letter

Heidi Rossow, PhD, PAS

ARPAS President
UC Davis, Vet Med Teaching and Research Center

Hi and welcome to spring 2023! With hardships and difficulties in maintaining and recruiting new memberships in the past several years due to COVID, ARPAS has been focused on updating its organization, recruiting, renewing memberships, and showing the benefits of belonging to ARPAS. It truly has been a team effort and several of these efforts are described below.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Executive Vice President’s Report

Al Kertz, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS

ARPAS Executive Vice President

ARPAS: Promoting professional competency and a culture of integrity

ARPAS is a Registry of accredited professional animal scientists. Such membership is the reason ARPAS exists—and needs to grow.


ARPAS Annual Registry Sponsors

ARPAS Symposium Sponsors

Affiliated Societies