ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Message from the President

John J. Wagner, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

Greetings to the ARPAS membership:

I certainly enjoyed seeing many of you during the recent joint Animal and Dairy Science convention in New Orleans. Renewing old friendships and making new ones is the item that I enjoy the most about the annual meetings.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Executive Vice President's Report 2010-2011

Kenneth Cummings, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

ARPAS has just completed 25 years as a certification organization for professional animal scientists. We (a collective we) have passed the birth, childhood and adolescent stages of our existence and are now in the adult working years. We no longer just confine our activities to certification of members, evaluation of programs for continuing education, tracking of continuing education credits and monitoring adherence to our code of ethics. The following paragraphs will elaborate on these endeavors.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Treasurer’s Report

Carl Hunt, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

ARPAS continues to have a charmed financial existence. Both of the main sources of revenue for the organization, membership and journal page charges, have been very stable sources of income. As of June 30, 2011, which is the mid-point of our fiscal year, the receipts of membership dues were at 90 percent of that budgeted for 2011 and corporate sponsorship revenues were at 86 percent of the amount budgeted for 2011. The Executive Council has aggressively pushed to secure many of the unpaid dues for 2011 and the Industry Relations Committee has been successful in receiving corporate pledges for sponsorships. To date, revenue from the PAS journal amounts to $42,006 compared with expenses of $38,740. While point-in-time snapshots of revenues and expenses for PAS may not totally reflect true financial status, it is clear that the PAS is being produced and distributed within its financial means. Likewise, while many of the mid-year expenses reported to date do not necessarily reflect end-of-year outcome, it is evident that ARPAS is operating well within its means (total expenses at the mid-point of the fiscal year were 39 percent of that budgeted).

Monday, August 1, 2011

2011 ARPAS “Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist” Recipients

Kenneth Cummings, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN, Exec. VP, ARPAS


Monday, August 1, 2011

ARPAS Foundation Report

Darrell Johnson, Chairperson, and Kenneth Cummings, Exec. VP

The purpose for the ARPAS foundation, established in 2008, is to provide a funding source for educational efforts and developmental activities of members independent of the ARPAS annual budget.

Monday, August 1, 2011

California Chapter

Lawson Spicer, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

Every year, helpful and different chapter members step up and volunteer to assist CA ARPAS. Chapter officers for 2011 are President - Travis Taylor, past President - Dennis Ervin, President Elect - Luis Rodriguez, Treasurer - Matt Kelley, Secretary - Gerald Higgenbotham, Directors at Large - Jed Asmus and Andy Riordan. Bill Vogt, for a second year has organized a successful fundraiser called Bang for Your Buck II. Also, we cannot forget Bill Choppe, who, for many years, has asked for corporate donations for the annual Continuing Education Conference (CEC) held the last Thursday and Friday of October.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Midwest Chapter

Dwight Roseler, Phd, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

The Midwest ARPAS chapter is in the inaugural year with a focus on membership growth. All ARPAS members in the Midwest are encouraged to become involved in the Midwest chapter. The Midwest ARPAS leadership is developing a plan to grow membership and plan future activities.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Pacific Northwest Chapter

Bill Sanchez, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

The Pacific Northwest Chapter of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists meets annually in October at the Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Southern Great Plains Chapter

Chris Reinhardt, PhD, PAS

The SGP Chapter met during the Plains Nutrition Council meeting in San Antonio, TX on April 15. ARPAS President Dr. Bill Braman provided an update on ARPAS. Dr. Sandi Parr (Biological responses of beef steers to anabolic implants and zilpaterol hydrochloride) and Bryan Bernhard (Increasing days on finishing diet equalizes carcass grade distribution of zilpaterol-HCl fed heifers) provided oral presentations of their research posters which had taken first and second place at the 2010 Plains Nutrition Conference Graduate Student Poster competition. After presenting, they fielded questions from the SGP Chapter attendees. 

Elections were held and results for 2011 are: President, Chris Reinhardt; President-elect, Lionel Lane; Secretary/Treasurer, Kim McCuistion; Directors, Kendall Karr and Britt Hicks. Officers will serve a one-year term.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Washington, DC Chapter

Bill Price, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS

A half-day symposium followed by was held on May 3 at the ARS Beltsville Research Station. The symposium title was “Impact of the EPA Water Quality Act on Agriculture.” At the banquet held in conjunction with the University of Maryland-Capital Area Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta, new officers were installed, a Distinguished Service Awardee was recognized, and scholarships for the University of Maryland Animal Science students were awarded. This year’s Distinguished Service Award went to Dr. Dan Benz, currently with the Center for Veterinary Medicine of FDA. The new officers for the Chapter are Lonnie Luther, President; Scott Lough, President Elect; Robin Keyser; Treasurer, Vernon Pursel; Past President, Rial Christensen. 

The Chapter reports the sad news that Dr. Vernon Pursel passed away unexpectedly on May 27,2011. Vern was a very staunch supporter of our Chapter and will be extremely missed.