ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

ARPAS Announcements

SuperUser Account Categories: Announcements, May 2023

REMINDER! Nominate a Highly Qualified Individual for ARPAS membership!

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 2023 Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award

ARPAS at 2023 ASAS

Reminder: ARPAS Offering ONLINE EXAMS

Reminder: AAS Journal Access Activation Process

Follow ARPAS on Social Media!



Reminder! Nominate a Highly Qualified Individual for ARPAS membership!

Do you know a highly qualified animal scientist who has not yet joined ARPAS? Encourage them to apply today via HQI PAS!

Information on the HQI application can be found at For any questions, contact the ARPAS Business Office.

To be eligible for HQI, the candidate must have 5 years of experience beyond a PhD or DVM, 10 years of experience beyond the MS degree, or 15 years of experience beyond a postbaccalaureate/post-secondary/professional degree from an approved institution.

An eligible HQI candidate must be nominated by a current PAS member in good standing. Two letters of nomination or recommendation from PAS members in good standing are required for PAS certification via the HQI route.


Call for Nominations for 2023 Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award

The ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist award is bestowed annually on one or more emeritus members of ARPAS who have made significant contributions to the animal sciences during their active career and also served in a leadership position with ARPAS.

Nominations may be made by any member of ARPAS. Final selection will be made by the ARPAS Executive Committee with confirmation from the ARPAS Governing Council. The number of awards each year will not exceed 0.2% of the total ARPAS membership.

Please send your nomination by email using this form by June 15 to Brittany Morstatter.

Recipients of this award will be recognized with an article in the newsletter and on the ARPAS website and will be honored with a suitable award at our annual meeting. The awardee(s) will also be granted lifetime membership in ARPAS with emeritus privileges.

We have now presented 34 of our former leaders of ARPAS with this award since its inception in 2008.


ARPAS Annual Meetings and ARPAS Symposium at 2023 ASAS Meeting in New Mexico

This year, ARPAS will be hosted at the American Society of Animal Science® 2023 Annual Meeting taking place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 16 to 20. Please join us for the ARPAS annual events!

Monday, July 17—12:30 p.m. MDT—2023 ARPAS Annual Business Meeting
Thursday, July 20—8:00 a.m. MDT—ARPAS 2023 Symposium

ARPAS Symposium: Liver Abscesses in Cattle

Liver abscesses continue to be a huge problem in the beef industry and with the recent Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research - ICASA funding there has been more research on this topic the past few years.

Speaker, Affiliation

Presentation Title

Lee Pinnell, Texas A&M University

Fusobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and more! Linking the microbial communities in bovine liver abscesses to the gut

Jacques Mathieu, Rice University

Development of a bacteriophage-based feed additive to prevent bovine liver abscesses

Paul R. Broadway, USDA-ARS, Livestock Issues Research Unit

Development of a novel, experimental, minimally invasive model to investigate the genesis and etiology of liver abscesses in cattle






ARPAS continues to offer online exam sessions proctored remotely with Zoom. For more details, see the relevant article in this newsletter. For more information, please visit

ARPAS members are encouraged to promote these online exam sessions among colleagues and students! You can also set up a special online session to proctor for interested persons by contacting Brittany Morstatter.

COMING SOON! ARPAS will soon be offering 24/7 remotely proctored exams. Stay tuned for more information.


Follow ARPAS on Social Media
“Like” and “Follow” ARPAS on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you are interested in providing social media content relevant to ARPAS, please contact


Registration process for accessing full-text articles of Applied Animal Science (AAS)

Previous Article President’s Letter