ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

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Thursday, May 25, 2023

ARPAS Treasurer’s Report

John Bernard, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS

The final balance for the 2022 budget was -$42,408.59. The deficit was due to lower membership revenue, page charge fees, and unrealized investment losses of -$27,023.74 (Other Revenue). Page charge revenues were only $25,890.00, reflecting a greater proportion of authors who chose to publish their manuscripts as Open Access. While the Open Access fees generated revenues of $70,000, these funds are paid to Elsevier. Total expenses were $20,523.35 lower than budgeted, which helped offset the shortfall in revenue. A summary of the budget is provided in the table below.

Monday, December 19, 2022

ARPAS Treasurer’s Report

John Bernard, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS

One factor impacting the budget is the increasing number of Open Access manuscripts published in Applied Animal Science (AAS). In 2021, 51.4% of published manuscripts were Open Access whereas for the first two issues of 2022 73.3% of manuscripts were published as Open Access. All fees collected for Open Access manuscripts are passed on 100% to Elsevier. In 2021, Open Access fees totaled $57,800 compared with $53,910 for regular manuscripts. Through April, manuscript fees were $9,645 and $26,500 for regular and Open Access manuscripts. If this trend continues, revenues for AAS will be considerably lower than budgeted for 2022. In addition to the loss of revenue from publication, ARPAS pays a subscription fee for member access to AAS. For 2022 this is budgeted at $50,000. Open Access manuscripts can be accessed by anyone regardless of membership. The trend for publication in an Open Access format is required by many groups that fund research and several journals have transitioned to 100% Open Access formats.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

ARPAS Treasurer’s Report

John Bernard, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS

For the long-term viability of ARPAS, it is essential to recruit new members and maintain current members. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

ARPAS Treasurer’s Report

Dana Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS

To begin, I want to thank the ARPAS Governing Council for the opportunity to serve as the national ARPAS treasurer. It has been a pleasure serving the organization through this role. I am now passing the responsibilities to John Bernard, past president of ARPAS, and wish him great success in his new position.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

ARPAS Treasurer’s Report

Dana Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS

After the interesting happenings of 2020, our national ARPAS organization finished the year better than planned! Our membership remained quite strong, and we saw nice growth in our Applied Animal Science journal. Thanks to Kertz and our ARPAS associates, we were able to regain support from many corporate sponsors. The pandemic had hidden benefits with reduced travel expenses and meeting fees but hindered our ability to grow and maintain membership. Overall, we budgeted for a shortfall of just over $61,000, only to end with a deficit of $29,500.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

ARPAS Treasurer’s Report

Dana Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS Nutrition

Through the first quarter of 2020, our National ARPAS organization continues to remain in a solid but general declining financial position. Year over year, through March, our Total Net Asset position is behind March 2020 by $130,020, due mainly to a fall in membership services, unrealized investment losses, and accrued FASS and Elsevier fees. Two shining beacons of hope are the growth in Annual Registry Sponsorships and growth in Applied Animal Science journal page charges.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

ARPAS Midyear Treasurer’s Report

Dana Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Diplomate ACAN

Our National ARPAS organization remains in a solid financial position. However, as I’ve been reporting during my tenure, we continue to gradually erode our strong financial foundation. To help address this situation, this fall we released funds from our savings investments to cover shortages in income, and therefore, helped return our organization closer to a balanced budget. Our total revenue and support positions continued to slide from a high in 2016, and fell $41,476 below 2018, due to slightly lower membership revenue ($2,973), reduced corporate sponsorships ($1,120), a realized loss in investment income ($30,640) and lower investment interest income ($1,934), yet had a slight increase in ARPAS Journal income ($518). We were fortunate again this year to incur lower administration and governance expenses $1,234, but these savings were nearly matched by an increase in ARPAS Journal expenses ($517).

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

ARPAS Midyear Treasurer’s Report

Dana J. Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

Through the first six months of 2019 our National ARPAS organization remains in a solid but declining financial position. Year over year, through June, our current net asset financial position is nearly identical to June of 2018. Unfortunately, our total asset situation continues its gradual erosion as journal and administrative expenses outweigh membership and corporate giving income. Fortunately, due to moderate growth of our investment portfolio and some midyear corporate sponsorships, we are slowing the decline.

Monday, April 29, 2019

ARPAS 2019 First-Quarter Treasurer’s Report

Dana Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

ARPAS continues to remain in a solid financial position with a significant balance in our investment portfolio. Our total revenue declined somewhat in 2018 due to slightly lower membership revenue, reduced corporate sponsorships, less ARPAS journal income, and lower investment income. We also saw a significant unrealized loss in our investment portfolio (which has recovered nicely as a result of gains in the first quarter of 2019). We were fortunate to incur lower administration and governance expenses, but these savings were more than offset by an increase in ARPAS journal expenses.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

ARPAS 2018 First-Quarter Treasurer’s Report

Dana Tomlinson

National ARPAS has started 2018 well with revenue generation in line with expectations. Through the first two months of the year, we are sitting with 49% of our revenue and support budgeted position. Fortunately, the bulk of our membership dues are collected early in the year; however, membership activity could be stronger. We always have room for new members and encourage everyone to share the value of ARPAS with their colleagues and any students with whom they interact.